Flat Braid Wicks - All Sizes
Flat braid cotton wicking is often used in beeswax, soy, and paraffin candle making. We have several sizes available, appropriate from anything from taper to pillar candles.
Please note that the manufacturer has CHANGED this wicking to what they're calling Legacy wick and recommends that candle makers do some burn tests to determine which size works best for their candle systems.
We currently still have some of the original, pre-legacy wicking as well as the new Legacy versions. Please contact me if you need a particular version (old or new), otherwise I'll ship what I've got closest to me!
Candle making, especially with beeswax, is a bit of an subjective art form, but below are some general candle sizing to wick size guidelines. Depending on the natural wax you're using and how you prefer your candles to burn, you may find your personal sizing tastes are quite different than the suggestions below. Experimentation is the only true way to figure out what will work for you and the wax you've got.
Flat Braid Wick Sizing - Sizing is approximate and testing is usually needed
12 ply is for very skinny candles - birthday candles and thin tapers
15 ply is for tapers and thin candles
21 ply is for thicker tapers or very thin pillars
24 ply is for tapers and skinny soy and paraffin pillar candles
30 ply is for 1-1.5" beeswax pillars and larger soy and paraffin pillar candles
36 ply is for 1.5-2" beeswax pillars and larger soy and paraffin pillar candles
45 ply is for 2-2.5" beeswax pillars and larger soy and paraffin pillar candles
60 ply is for 2-3" beeswax pillars and larger soy and paraffin pillar candles
8oz Spool Wick Lengths in Feet
12 ply - 1,570'
15 ply - 1,258'
21 ply - 820'
24 ply - 729'
30 ply - 556'
36 ply - 465'
45 ply - 362'
60 ply - 278'